I just needed for you to say I love you. Like you genuinely meant it. The way I’ve always loved you..but you’re to afraid. Afraid that you aren’t good enough to be loved by someone like me. Do you know your fear is making me hurt? Its like everytime I try to get close enough to whisper my secret you turn around and walk further.I hate i hate it i hate it i hate it ! (FULLSTOP) :'( my heart get hurt because of youu #eceh speaking lah pulak . you want to know , because of you hatifara sakit gila cume pendam jea dalam hati takut org tersinggung pulakkan so hanya kat blog jer lah fara boleh membebel sorang2 ! fara dah tak larat dah lah but i will not give up so dont wait me until i say give up if kau mmng nk sangat fara give up bagitahu je :).One more thing,I really dont understand about your feeling,muka mcm takde perasaan cmne fara tak sakit hati .fara sakit hati bukan pasal jealous.fara sakit hati ngn perangai kau terhadap fara , kalau ngn org lain biasa je ngn fara cm nk tk nk jea sbnrnya hati aku tengah sedih. fara tak sedih pun :p . but fara akan cube buat yg terbaik~~ (Y) haha xDD kalau perangai kau still cmni , nk buat mcm mane kan org dah tak suka kite :> kbye